FM Leaders Take Care Of Their Own Facility Management Department With Efficient, Effective Space

Facility Managers often give themselves and their departments the worst space in their facility. It’s sort of like the shoe maker’s children not having shoes. We give good, productive space to other departments, including other support groups like HR, IT, finance and others. Yet we often neglect the needs of our own staff. In one…


Space and Occupancy Planning Tools – Do you have what you need to manage your space efficiently?

I recently had a chance to talk about space planning with David Spence from OfficeSpace at The Facilities Management Show in the UK where I was an invited speaker. His experience confirmed my own observations  – I see that for many companies, space planning in Facility Management hasn’t progressed much beyond the manual process I…


Space Planning & Open Cubicles : Don’t Forget the Human Element

The introduction of space planning strategies such as open plan workspace, modular cubicles, reduction of enclosed offices and hotelling were designed to save costs, both on the space and the inevitable churn. In an effort to sell these concepts to the corporations and their workers, they came with the promise of improved productivity. This productivity…
