There are certain realities with implementing an IWMS / CAFM / CMMS system. I find that the right process is critical to success and is often overlooked. Here is what I recommend in a nutshell:
1. Don’t use an FM consultant connected with software vendors to make the software decision. Use them (or the vendor directly) only for implementation after the selection is made.
2. Spend time understanding your business requirements first – if you understand what you are trying to accomplish and what you really need you will be in a position to decide on a system (instead of worrying about the software features first)
3. Start looking for a system that fits your needs (not the other way around – if you customize anything, it should be your processes, not the software!
4. Spend the time to implement it right. Use Change Management, involve your staff and get their input, change your processes to match the new tool, populate it with accurate data from the start, train everyone, etc. And be prepared to change things after you’ve implemented and everyone has learned more about how to work with the new system.
5. Implement in stages. Start with one building or portfolio, start with one element, such as Corrective or Demand maintenance work orders first, then only when it’s successful, add preventive maintenance, space management, asset inventory, performance measures or whatever other integrated FM elements you are implementing in your system. Involve your best people. Show results and demonstrate the benefit. Then, implement the rest, building on success.
6. Re-train as needed.
7. Do an audit after 6 months or so. Check with all the stakeholders and staff. What works? What doesn’t? Do a Quality Assurance test on the data and process. Listen to your staff, they know best about what’s working. Make changes and adjustments.
8. Use the information (not just data) from the system to show it’s value and make decisions. Maintenance decisions, occupancy decisions, capital replacement decisions, staffing and resourcing decisions, etc. If you don’t use what you put into the system, people will stop bothering with it and you will be back where you started (go to step #1)
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