I see a trend when talking with senior facility and property professionals about their processes and systems. The trend is a lack of visibility into crucial aspects of their costs and activities.
While they may have implemented systems and processes for managing their facilities, visibility into is often lacking. Visibility (in the form of management information, not just data), would enable Facility and Property Managers to take the next step towards improving their operations.
Aberdeen Group, a leading provider of research into supply chain and other business processes, reports that real estate and facility management costs represent over 30% of non-payroll costs, yet 40% say they have poor or no visibility into the costs of this important function.
Costs are one part of the visibility required, however. I see that few have visibility into key processes, work loading, work order activity, maintenance activity, moves, projects, etc. This strategic information can be used to build business cases with senior management and make strategic decisions related to process, resourcing and subcontracts.
The key is focusing on one area at a time and gathering only the data and information you need to make decisions with. Too often, initiatives and systems are implemented which overwhelm Facility and Property Manages with excessive process, time requirements, integration and excess data that doesn’t provide meaningful information on which to make decisions.
The best approach is to decide why you need the information and what decisions you expect to make from that information and then implement processes and systems that get what you need, rather than starting with processes and systems that give you everything else.