If you are like most Property and Facility Managers, you are inundated with data and information on a daily basis yet not much of it helps you make decisions.
The most fundamental problem we all face is having too much data and information because we know that’s a good thing, yet very little of it enables effective decisions. Often, the data or information isn’t going to help you. Either it’s not the right kind of data or it isn’t compiled and analyzed properly.
The next time you look at implementing a process, system, reporting, survey or other means to gather and track data or information, take a step back and ask the fundamental question: Will this data or information help me make decisions that will improve services and reduce costs? When you understand the answer to that question, you will be in a better position to get the information you need to make decisions.
Successful Executives understand this issue and focus only on information they need to make decisions. Eliminate the clutter and improve your decision making.